Lend a hand.

If you have skills in plumbing, carpentry, gardening, building, or a willingness to help and you want to serve the mission through developing our property, we would be honoured to have you come and lend us a hand! Whether you want to come once a week, once a month, or one day a year, you are most welcome!

You can come as an individual, or if a group from your church or school would like to come and have a YWAM serving experience you may do just that. As mentioned before, if you want to come up and serve regularly with a group or by yourself, that would be a blessing for our community. On another note if you and your church group would like to come up for a working bee just one Saturday, we could definitely use the help with developing our property. 


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Part of the YWAM global family of ministries.

YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is a Christian charity that offers global opportunities for volunteers from diverse backgrounds to serve, care, and connect with individuals and communities. YWAM is decentralised in structure and financially autonomous, which allows each centre to adapt and serve the specific needs of the community