We are a multicultural community of passionate people, who share the same heart desire to Know God and make Him Known.
In our current season, we intentionally focus on Abiding in Christ (as seen in John 15).
Our desire is to keep on bearing fruit that comes out of intimacy. Once you discover your identity in Him, living the life you were created for becomes a natural response to His love! This is why we value caring for people and equipping them into their purpose and destiny.
”I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” – John 15:5

The Great Commission is not only for some; but a privilege and a command for all followers of Jesus; It doesn’t stop at simply preaching the gospel, but it seeks to transform the way we view and do life.
It’s in the heart of God that His sons and daughters would partner with Him in manifesting His Kingdom on earth.
Every Human being was created with a purpose to live life to the fullest; Our vision is to see each area of influence in society redeemed, restored and thriving throughout Australia and the Nations.
Every society will have at least 7 areas of influence:

Missionary agencies
Religious institutions

YWAM’s Three Pillars
Evangelism, training and mercy ministries.
In YWAM Adelaide, our training and outreach programs are designed to equip and reach out to individuals and communities in South Australia and beyond.
We have a heart for pioneering and aim to equip people to reach out to areas not yet transformed by the gospel and to go where no one has gone yet.
See how we do this locally, regionally and abroad below.

We are involved in a number of activities reaching out to people from all walks of life; from those busy working in the heart of our city, to the homeless, kids and youth at risk, or women trapped in the sex industry.
We also love to serve the local church by providing support in their programs and services whenever possible but also by running courses and seminars equipping church members for ministry and self-development.

We love South Australia and we dedicate part of our year to travel serving our country towns and indigenous communities in whatever way possible. One of our main regional projects together with other YWAM bases is to translate the bible into every tongue and people group in Australia.

Every year we send teams overseas and connect to local churches and missionaries to provide support in their ministries. We do this through evangelism, practical work, mercy ministries and whatever needs to be done.
One of our main focuses is the nation of Papua New Guinea. We’re committed to sending teams to serve the church in discipleship, evangelism and also to provide community development and educational programs. We also do medical assistance through the work of YWAM Medical Ships which as YWAM Australia, we are a part of.